University of Arizona

The College of Fine Arts Office of Field Experiences is dedicated to professional arts educator preparation and practical field placements of our music and art education students. At the onset of the educator preparation program, all students must submit evidence of going through the College of Fine Arts Teacher Preparation Program Training Modules to the program director, Dr. Karin Nolan.

Once all coursework is completed for the degree in Music Education or Art and Visual Culture Education, our degree programs culminate with with a semester-long student teaching field placement in the relevant content area.

If you are not currently enrolled at The University of Arizona and would like to more information or to apply online, please visit the School of Music or the School of Art.

Contact Information

Karin Nolan
Associate Professor of Practice
Associate Professor of Practice, Music
Student Resources

Forms and Resources

Important Dates
Date Time Description
August 9, 2023 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Zoom meeting – Professional Development Part II for Fall 2023 STs, Supervisors, and Mentor Teachers. Supervisors and Mentor Teachers join for final hour.
September 6, 2023 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Zoom meeting – Student Teacher Orientation for Spring 2024 ST Applicants
September 22, 2023 by 5:00 pm Student Teacher Application Due to D2L page for Spring 2024 ST Applicants
October 6, 2023   Supervisor Mileage due for first half of semester via email to Dr. Nolan
December 7, 2023   Student Teacher Time Cards due for Fall 2023 STs
December 7, 2023   Supervisor Paperwork Due – electronically submission of midterm/final and signature page, phase-in schedule, and student teacher evaluation (Supervisor Deadline Only).
December 7, 2023 9:00 am - 11:00 am Zoom meeting – Professional Development Part I for Spring 2024 STs
January 8, 2024 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Zoom meeting – Professional Development Part II for Spring 2024 STs. Supervisors and Mentor Teachers join for final hour.
January 31, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Zoom meeting – Student Teacher Orientation for Fall 2024 ST Applicants
February 6, 2024 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Bear Down Gym – UA Educator Job Fair for Fall 2023/Spring 2024 STs. All details and registration links will arrive via students' emails. Registration opens Oct. 2nd.
February 16, 2024 by 5:00 pm Student Teacher Application Due to D2L page for Fall 2024 ST Applicants
March 1, 2024   Supervisor Mileage due for first half of semester via email to Dr. Nolan.
May 1, 2024   Student Teacher Time Cards due for Spring 2024 STs
May 1, 2024   Supervisor Paperwork Due for Spring 2024 STs– electronically submission of midterm/final and signature page, phase-in schedule, and student teacher evaluation (Supervisor Deadline Only)
May 2, 2024 9:00 am - 11:00 am Zoom meeting – Professional Development Part I for Fall 2024 STs
August 8, 2024 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Zoom meeting – Professional Development Part II for Fall 2024 STs. Supervisors and Mentor Teachers join for final hour.
Applying to be a Student Teacher

Important: No one is allowed to student teach without an IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card, and the process takes approximately two months. Please get fingerprinted ASAP if you do not already have a clearance card or if your current card is scheduled to expire within a couple of months. For more information, see Fingerprint Clearance Information.

Student Teacher Application Orientation

It is required that you attend the Student Teacher Orientation Meeting the semester prior to student teacher. RSVP to the appropriate Orientation Date (semester prior to your intended student teaching semester) to Dr. Karin Nolan ( as soon as possible and indicate whether you are art education or music education. The one-hour mandatory orientations are held at the beginning of each semester.

Steps to Apply for Student Teaching:

Make sure that at the beginning of your academic program/degree in either music or art education, that you complete the College of Fine Arts Teacher Preparation Program Training Modules on the D2L Course “College of Fine Arts Teacher Prep Program” and upload all required files to the D2L assignment dropbox. There are directions regarding how to access these on the training slides, but if you cannot access the course, please contact Dr. Karin Nolan ( for enrollment. Students must remain current on these training materials throughout their academic program, and no student may apply for student teaching without evidence of completion.

  1. Read through the entire Presentation: Orientation for Student Teacher Applicants.
  2. Fill out completely and sign your Application for Student Teaching.
  3. Meet with your academic advisor ASAP to go over your coursework checklist. Bring the correct checklist with you for your advisor meeting:
  4. If you have not already taken and passed the NES Test “Assessment of Professional Knowledge: Secondary,” pay and register for the test and put the test date on your coursework checklist. The NES test should be completed and passed prior to student teaching. For more information, see NES Test Information and NES Test Framework.
  5. For art students, meet with your major professor (Dr. Shin for art) to finish going over your coursework checklist. Bring your transcript to this meeting.
  6. Update your resume to make it current and professional and make sure it is acceptable for submission to school districts.
  7. Photocopy both sides of your IVP fingerprint clearance card. If you do not already have a valid fingerprint clearance card, you need to obtain one ASAP, as it takes a couple of months for your fingerprint card to arrive; no one can student teach without an IVP fingerprint clearance card. For more information, see Fingerprint Clearance Information.
  8. Save a PDF of your unofficial transcripts from UAccess.
  9. Prior to the due date discussed during Orientation (typically two weeks after orientation, see above tab for dates and deadlines), submit all of the following to D2L’s Assignment Dropbox in the course: “College of Fine Arts Teacher Prep Program”: Application, Standards Contract (last page of application), signed coursework checklist, resume, transcripts, and photocopy of front and back of fingerprint clearance card.

All coursework (with the exception of student teaching course) must be completed by the last day of finals in the semester prior to student teaching. You are not allowed to take courses during Winter Session (for Spring student teachers) or Summer Session II (for Fall student teachers) because this overlaps with student teaching and the grade would not be posted prior to student teaching. Read the information included in the tab below that relates to your intended student teacher semester. This information includes required meetings and dates.

Student Teaching in Fall 2024

Make sure you attend the orientation and apply for Student Teaching during the semester prior to your student teaching semester.

When registering for your last semester of classes, make sure to enroll in 12 units of MUS 493M or ARE 493. (Note: if you are participating in the International Student Teaching Program, you will only register for 6 credits; the remaining 6 credits will be through Global Initiatives/Study Abroad.)

Important dates to add to your calendars:

  • Orientation for Fall 2024 student teachers is: January 31, 2024 from 1-2pm. If you plan to student teach that semester, this meeting is mandatory, and RSVP to to receive the link. See tab above entitled “Applying to be a Student Teacher” for more details.
  • Application Due: February 16, 2024 by 5pm to D2L page for College of Fine Arts Teacher Prep Program.
  • Professional Development Conference Part I: May 2, 2024, 9:00-11:00 AM, Place: Zoom
    • Prior to this meeting, read the Student Teacher Guidebook. It is essential that you are familiar with our guidebook and come with questions to this meeting.
    • Here are the slides for this meeting.
  • Professional Development Conference Part II: August 8, 2024, 2-5:00pm via Zoom.
  • Career Advisement Session and Educational Career Fair: February __, 2025. All details and registration links will arrive via students’ emails.
  • Seminar Dates as determined by your syllabus for MUS 493M or ARE 493. These are usually monthly meetings held on campus or via Zoom in the evenings. More information about the seminar that accompanies the student teaching semester can be obtained through the syllabus and instructor of record for your MUS/ARE 493 course.
  • When your degree is posted and Institutional Recommendation is obtained, plan to get your TEACHER CERTIFICATION (see below)
Student Teaching in Spring 2024
Make sure you attend the orientation and apply for Student Teaching during the semester prior to your student teaching semester.

When registering for your last semester of classes, make sure to enroll in 12 units of MUS 493M or ARE 493.

Important dates to add to your calendars:

  • Orientation for Spring 2023 student teachers is: September 6, 2023 from 1-2pm via Zoom. If you plan to student teach that semester, this meeting is mandatory, and RSVP to to receive the link. See tab above entitled “Applying to be a Student Teacher” for more details.
  • Application Due: September 22, 2023 by 5pm to D2L page.
  • Professional Development Conference Part I: December 7, 2023, 9:00-11:00 AM, via Zoom.
    • Prior to this meeting, read the Student Teacher Guidebook. It is essential that you are familiar with our guidebook and come with questions to this meeting.
  • Professional Development Conference Part II: January 8, 2024, 2:00-5:00 PM, via Zoom.
  • Career Advisement Session and Educational Career Fair: February 6, 2024, 1-3:30pm, Bear Down Gym. All details and registration links will arrive via students’ emails.
  • Seminar Dates as determined by your syllabus for MUS 493M or ARE 493. These are usually monthly meetings held in the evenings on campus or via Zoom. More information about the seminar that accompanies the student teaching semester can be obtained through the syllabus and instructor of record for your MUS/ARE 493 course.
  • When your degree is posted and Institutional Recommendation is obtained, plan to get your TEACHER CERTIFICATION (see below)
Student Teaching in Fall 2023

Make sure you attend the orientation and apply for Student Teaching during the semester prior to your student teaching semester.

When registering for your last semester of classes, make sure to enroll in 12 units of MUS 493M or ARE 493.

Important dates to add to your calendars:

  • Orientation for Fall 2023 student teachers is: February 1, 2023 from 1-2pm via Zoom. RSVP to if you plan to attend. See tab above entitled “Applying to be a Student Teacher” for more details.
  • Application Due: February 17, 2023 by 5pm to D2L dropbox.
  • Professional Development Conference Part I: May 4, 2023, 9:00-11:00 AM, Zoom meeting.
    • Prior to this meeting, read the Student Teacher Guidebook. It is essential that you are familiar with our guidebook and come with questions to this meeting.
  • Professional Development Conference Part II: August 9, 2023, 2:00-5:00 PM, Place: Zoom.
  • Career Advisement Session and Educational Career Fair: February 6, 2024, 1-3:30pm, Bear Down Gym. All details and registration links will arrive via students’ emails.
  • Seminar Dates as determined by your syllabus for MUS 493M or ARE 493. These are usually monthly meetings held on campus or via Zoom in the evenings. More information about the seminar that accompanies the student teaching semester can be obtained through the syllabus and instructor of record for your MUS/ARE 493 course.
  • When your degree is posted and Institutional Recommendation is obtained, plan to get your TEACHER CERTIFICATION (see below)
Teacher Certification

Obtaining Teacher Certification after Student Teaching

For current certification information, it is always advisable to go directly to the Arizona Department of Education’s website:

Step 1: Institutional Recommendation (IR):

  • Make sure early in your student teaching semester you fill out this form to request an Institutional Recommendation.
  • After your student teaching is done and your degree is posted, Sara Knepper in the College of Education will issue IRs to the AZ Department of Education.
  • What is an IR? An “Institutional Recommendation” (IR) is your quick path to certification without a lengthy transcript review from the AZ Dept of Educ.
  • Details:
    • Provides for half the cost of normal certification (discount and IR valid for one year only).
    • IR will be processed and sent to the AZ Dept. of Educ. by Sara Knepper once degree is posted to UAccess, provided you filled out this online form early in your student teaching semester.
    • Sara Knepper will email you when the IR is received by the AZ Dept. of Educ. and you are ready to apply for certification using ADE’s online portal: at the AzEDCert Portal.
    • IR is only good for one year from the date it is issued. For security reasons, the state only allows one IR to be issued per student, so do not lose it.
    • Make sure that if you have a new mailing address since filling out your IR Application, you update it with our certification officer in the College of Education, Sara Knepper.

Step 2: Once you IR is issued, submit all materials to the Arizona Department of Education for your certificate:

After receiving their IRs, teacher candidates may obtain their certificate in one of three ways: (1) in person at the Phoenix Arizona Department of Education office; (2) mail all paperwork directly to the Arizona Department of Education (mail your documents to: ADE – Certification; P.O. Box 6490; Phoenix, AZ 85005-6490), or (3 – recommended) apply online by uploading materials to the AzEDCert Portal. If you have questions regarding the AzEDCert Online Portal, reference this Online Portal Setup Guide or contact ADE directly at sends e-mail) or (602) 542-4367.

Here are the items needed for obtaining your certificate:

  • Institutional Recommendation (IR)
  • Photocopy of your IVP fingerprint clearance card
  • Photocopy of official NES Test results for your certification test
  • Evidence of satisfying the AZ/US Constitution Requirement
    • If you took the AZ/US Constitution course and it is on your UA transcripts (e.g., you took the course at the U of A or transferred the course to your UA transcripts if you took the course through another institution), you do not have to do anything because it will be part of the IR issued by the U of A.
    • If you took the AZ/US Constitution course at a different institution and did not get it transferred to your UA transcripts, you need to bring/mail an official transcript from institution where course was taken (it is much simpler and cheaper to get it transferred to your UA transcript by sending it to Sara Knepper prior to her issuing you an IR.
    • If you took the AEPA test to fulfill the AZ/US Constitution requirement, you need to provide a photocopy of your passed AEPA test results.
  • On your teaching certificate application, you will select: (1) under Standard Professional Teaching Certificates, select Arts Education (Prek-12) and note “Music” or “Art”; and (2) under Endorsements, select Structured English Immersion (SEI) if you completed the LCEV 408/508 or TLS 416 coursework.
  • Fees, typically $60 ($30 for your arts education certificate plus $30 for your SEI endorsement; additional endorsements are $60 each).
    • NOTE: Your certificate is half price with your IR; the IR expires in one year and cannot be reissued, so don’t wait too long to get your certificate!

Students Not Planning to Teach in Arizona

  • If you plan to teach in another state: As a general rule, it is much more difficult to obtain a teaching certificate in any other state without your current Arizona certificate. Many states offer reciprocity if you hold a teaching certificate from another state. Visit or contact the other state’s department of education website for more information. Even if you do not plan to teach in Arizona, it is recommended you obtain AZ Teacher Certification and then request reciprocity from the other state’s department of education. If you decide to later return to Arizona to teach, your certificate remains valid for 12 years.
  • If you plan to attend graduate school or not enter the teaching profession: It is still recommended that you utilize the half price and quick path to certification with your IR (only good for one year after it is issued) and obtain your AZ Teaching Certificate. It is valid for 12 years and then offers flexibility should you decide to teach in the future in AZ or another state.
International Student Teaching Program
UPDATE: This program is suspended until the UArizona Study Abroad program can ensure 12 international student teachers per semester.

As of Fall 2018: we are so excited to offer our student teachers an optional, partial student teaching placement in either Norway and China! Please view the slideshow of photos created by our first student teacher abroad, who student taught in music in Norway during the Fall of 2018: ISTP Norway Slideshow.

Summary of The International Student Teaching Program (ISTP)

  • First half of student teacher placement is in Tucson. Second half is in either Norway or China.
  • Instruction is done in English. Students serve as student teachers in their content area and also as “American ambassadors.”
  • Requirements for Student Teachers to apply for ISTP: 3.0 GPA, Study Abroad application and fee ($80), Interview, UA Program Fee deposit.
  • A minimum of three student teachers across all UA Teacher Prep Programs and our sister program at Iowa State are needed to facilitate the ISTP.
  • Norway Placement: 7 weeks in Rosendal (on the southwest coast of Norway near Bergen) at Kvinnherad District schools. Students live in cabins on the fjord and take weekend excursions to museums (including seeing the best preserved Viking ships) and hiking spots.
  • China Placement: 8 weeks in Liyang (Jiangsu Province) at the Liyang Foreign Language School (elementary) or Liyang High School. Liyang is on the western coast of China and is two hours from Shanghai. Student teachers live in extremely safe, gated community apartments located on the school campus. This experience includes weekly lessons in Mandarin and Chinese culture, including excursions to regional museums and cultural sites.
  • Fees:
    • UA Study Abroad Application fee ($80):
    • UA Program Cost (includes room and board, cooperating teacher’s pay, health insurance, site supervisor’s fee, departmental costs, and 6 credits of UA tuition): China: ~$1350, Norway: ~$3700 (exact costs change depending on number of student teachers).
      • Deposit Due: middle of semester prior to student teaching
    • Not covered by UA Program Cost: airfare, Visa/Residence permit (for China), and some meals (lunch is provided in China; grocery money provided in Norway).
  • UA Supervisor Abroad: Dr. Sylvia Munsen. Dr. Munsen travels to each country and spends a week with the student teachers for observations and coaching. There is also weekly contact with Dr. Munsen and reflective journals each day.
  • For more information, please contact our U of A ISTP coordinator: Dr. Sylvia Munsen.
Full Document Library
ADE Online Portal Help Guide

field-experience-student field-experience
Agreement Form

field-experience-student field-experience
Application for Student Teaching

field-experience-student field-experience
College of Fine Arts Teacher Preparation Program Training Modules

field-experience-student field-experience
Coursework Checklist: BFA in Art with Teaching Option

field-experience-student field-experience
Coursework Checklist: BM in Music Education

field-experience-student field-experience
Coursework Checklist: MA in Art with Teaching Option

field-experience-student field-experience
Driver POV Form: Authorization Form for Use of Personal Vehicle

field-experience-supervisor field-experience
Driver Registration and Motor Vehicle Records Check

field-experience-supervisor field-experience
Emergency Procedures Form

field-experience-student field-experience
FERPA Online Training Module and Instructions

field-experience-student field-experience
Fingerprint Clearance Information

field-experience-student field-experience
Institutional Recommendation (IR) Request

field-experience-student field-experience
Institutional Recommendation (IR): Sample of Criminal History Portion, for reference only

field-experience-student field-experience
Insurance Coverage for UA Internship Disclosure

field-experience-student field-experience
InTASC Standards

, field-experience-supervisor field-experience-student field-experience
ISTE Standards (International Society for Technology in Education Standards – 2021)

field-experience-student field-experience
ISTP Norway Slideshow

field-experience-student field-experience
Mandatory Reporting Notetaker – Blank

field-experience-student field-experience
Mandatory Reporting Online Modules and Training

field-experience-student field-experience
Mandatory Reporting Online Modules and Training (ALT – if other site is down)

field-experience-student field-experience
Midterm and Final Evaluation (Fillable PDF)

, field-experience-supervisor field-experience-student field-experience
Midterm and Final Evaluation (Word Doc)

, field-experience-supervisor field-experience-student field-experience
Midterm-Final Evaluation Rubrics for Each Indicator

field-experience-supervisor field-experience
Mileage Reimbursement Form

field-experience-supervisor field-experience
Mileage: Example Form with Map

field-experience-supervisor field-experience
NES Test Framework

field-experience-student field-experience
NES Test Information

field-experience-student field-experience
Observation and Conference Form (PDF)

field-experience-supervisor field-experience
Observation and Conference Form (Word)

field-experience-supervisor field-experience
Paperwork Due at end of Semester

field-experience-supervisor field-experience
Phase-In Schedule

, field-experience-supervisor field-experience-student field-experience
Presentation: Career Advisement Session

field-experience-student field-experience
Presentation: Orientation for Student Teacher Applicants

field-experience-student field-experience
Presentation: Professional Development Conference Part I

field-experience-student field-experience
Presentation: Professional Development Conference Part II

field-experience-student field-experience
Professional Expectations for UA Educator Prep Programs

, field-experience-supervisor field-experience-student field-experience
Professional Standards Student Contract

field-experience-student field-experience
Sahuarita Clearance Form for ST Placements

field-experience-student field-experience
Suicide Prevention, Intervention, & Response Notecatcher

field-experience-student field-experience
Teacher Candidate Guidebook

, field-experience-student field-experience-supervisor field-experience
Time Card

, field-experience-student field-experience-supervisor field-experience
Time Card – Filled Out Sample

field-experience-student field-experience
TUSD Student Teacher Clearance Form

field-experience-student field-experience
TUSD Volunteer Form

field-experience-student field-experience
UA TPP Due Process Flow Chart

field-experience-supervisor field-experience
UA TPP Performance Concern Form and Response to Performance Concern Form

field-experience-supervisor field-experience
UA TPP Professional Growth Plan Form

field-experience-supervisor field-experience